Hochfrequenz - Zeitbereich

Der Full Wave Solver berücksichtigt alle Terme der Maxwellschen Gleichungen. Dadurch kann die Wellenlänge kleiner sein als die Abmessungen des untersuchten Teils und es sind sogar sehr hohe Frequenzen möglich. Im Zeitbereich sind die Ergebnisse das elektrische und magnetische Feld für jeden Zeitschritt.


Outputs of the solution are:
  • Plot: Magnetic Fluxdensity, Magnetic Fieldstrength, Electric Fieldstrength, Current Density, Eddy Current Losses Density, Vectorpotential, Nodal Force - virtual, Nodal Moment - virtual, Forcedensity - virtual, Lorentz Force, Poynting Vector. 
  • Table: Total Force - virtual, Total Moment - virtual, Total Lorentz Force, Electrode Voltage, Electrode Current, Voltage on Circuits, Current on Circuits, Power on Circuits, Eddy Current Losses.
  • 4D Fields:  Force - virtual NodeID Table, Forcedensity - virtual XYZ Table, Lorentz Force NodeID Table.
  • Coupled Thermal: Temperature.
  • Coupled Structural: Structural Deformation.


Wind Turbine Tower Lightning Strikes

Waveguide Combiner


Theory and Basics


The basis equations:
(1)        rot h = j + δt d
(2)        rot e = -δt b
(3)        div b = 0

Constitutive relations:
(4)        b = µ h
(5)        d = ε e
(6)        j = σ e


The following a-v-formulation is used for 3D

Magnetic vectorpotential a
electric scalar potential v:             
(7)        b = rot a
(8)      e = -δt – grad v

Magnetodynamic  weak  a-v-formulation with full wave extension:
(9)            (µ-1 rot a, rot a’ )Ω
                + (σ δt aa’ ) Ωc
                + (σ grad v, a’ ) Ωc 
                + (σ δt a, grad v’ ) Ωc
+ (σ grad v, v’ ) Ωc

                + (ε δ2t aa’ ) Ω 
                + (ε δt grad v, a’ ) Ω 
                + (ε δ2t a, grad v’ ) Ω 
                + (ε δt grad v, grad v’ ) Ω 

                      = 0

+Silver-Müller radiaton condition at infinity (outgoing waves)

The equation can be solved in the time or frequency domain.

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