Die elektrodynamische Lösung beschreibt die Verteilung elektrischer Felder aufgrund von dynamisch variierenden Ladungen und/oder Niveaus des elektrischen Potenzials im Frequenzbereich.
- 2D, 3D or axisymmetric Solution, dynamic in frequency domain
- Outputs, Plot
- Electric Fluxdensity
- Electric Fieldstrength
- Electric Potential (phi-Pot)
- Current Density
- Eddy Current Losses Density
- Outputs, Table
- Electrode Voltage, Current, Power
- Circuit Voltage, Current, Power
- Eddy Current Losses
... |
Theory and Basics
The basis equations:
(1) rot e = 0
(2) div d = ρ
(3) d = ε e
Constitutive relations:
(4) j = σ e
Boundary conditions:
(5) n x e | Γ0e = 0
(6) n * d | Γ0d = 0
Electric scalar potential formulation:
(7) div ε grad v = - ρ with
(8) e = -grad v
Electrodynamic weak v-formulation:
(9) ( d/dt(-ε grad v), grad v’ )Ω + (σ grad v, grad v’ )Ωc = 0,
for all v’ element of Ω
Basic Example: coming soon
Result: coming soon